Ulysses ESA Guest Investigator

This is one of the five accepted Ulysses ESA Guest Investigator proposals which involves collaboration with the magnetometer team.

Kinetic modeling and data analysis of shocks, structures and flow in the 3-D heliosphere

Dr. David Burgess

Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London


The Space plasma group at QMW has a long record of achievement in the areas of kinetic theory and kinetic computer simulations, specifically in the areas of collisionless shocks, waves and instabilities. In addition, although not experiment builders, we have a wide experience of multi-instrument data analysis. We propose a guest investigator programme, with a number of projects, which brings together these strengths so that we may make a major contribution to the Ulysses mission aims. We propose to (i) investigate the source and acceleration of the solar wind by exploring a coronal jets model, and making predictions about the kinetic features that might be observed; (ii) investigate shocks and CIRs around Solar Maximum, when Ulysses will obtain a unique data set which will give us an insight into the solar cycle modulation of the 3D structure of the heliosphere; (iii) investigate the creation and stability of magnetic holes in the solar wind, as phenomena of nonlinear plasma physics; (iv) investigate the parameter space associated with ion acoustic-like noise in the solar wind, in order to further our knowledge of the plasma physics behind the observed plasma emissions.


Astronomy Unit
School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdon

Email: unknown

Tel: +44 171 975 5454

Fax: +44 181 983 3522

WWW: http://www.maths.qmw.ac.uk/Astronomy/

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Last changed 29th May 1997 by Tim Horbury.