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     QIFF - Module to convert ascii .iff files to CSDS .cdf files.


     as an executable utility...

     iff_to_cdf [-nodelete] [-log  log_path] iff_path cdf_path file_stem

     or as a function...

     long QiIFFtoCDF (char *iff_fname,
                      char *cdf_fname,
                      char *log_fname,
                      struct QiSFName *QiSname)



     The executable utility is provided for use in the UK CDHF pipeline
     data reduction system. A simple main function calls the function
     QiIFFtoCDF with argument derived from the input arguments.

     The required argument iff_path provides the full path to the
     directory containing the input iff file. Separate iff files must be
     provided for each spacecraft for each instrument at each resolution.

     The required argument cdf_path provides the full path to the 
     directory containing the empty cdf file. This file must have been
     created from the CSDS skeleton files for the instrument and
     spacecraft covered by the iff file. The cdf file is not moved or
     renamed by the utility, but is populated with the data from the iff

     The required argument file_stem is the unique file name stem
     of the form SC_RR_III_YYYYMMDD where SC is the spacecraft
     identifier (C1, C2, C3, C4 or CL for Cluster), RR is the resolution
     (PP or SP for Cluster), III is the three character instrument
     identifier and YYYYMMDD is the date of the start of the data
     in the file as the eight character string year month day.
     This file stem is used to construct the name of the expected input
     iff file, the name of the empty cdf file and the name of a logfile
     used for processing messages.

     If a fatal error is detected from either the software or the
     input iff file, the partially formed cdf file is automatically 
     deleted before the utility exits. This ensures that pipeline
     operation does not continue with a badly formed file. For debug
     purposes this may be turned off using the optional -nodelete flag
     before the required arguments.

     The optional flag -log is used to indicate that the next input argument
     is the path to the directory in which to place the logfile. The log file 
     is always derived from the file_stem argument.

     Returns a long integer as status. Values are:-
     QMW_OK ( 0 ) on successful completion and 
     QMW_ERROR ( -1 ) on failure.

     The arguments are...

 IN: char *iff_fname, pointer to character string containing full name
     and path of iff file to be read (including .iff extension).

 IN: char *cdf_fname, pointer to character string containing full name
     and path of empty cdf file to be populated (including .cdf extension).
 IN: char *log_fname, pointer to character string containing full name
     and path of file to be used for writing log messages.

 IN: struct QiSFName *QiSname, pointer to structure containing the
     generic filename and date. This structure is defined in
     IFF_to_CDF.h and takes the following form 

     struct QiSFName {
         char fname[NAME_LEN];         /* file name root */
         char sub_strings[NAME_LEN];   /* dummy to hold sc, rr, iii */
         char *sc;                     /* s/c id, e.g. Cn or CL */
         char *rr;                     /* resolution, e.g. SP or PP */
         char *iii;                    /* instrument abbreviation */
         long year;                    /* year */
         long month;                   /* month */
         long day;                     /* day */   
         char *extn;                   /* optional file name extension */ 

     set IFFPATH=/cluster/devel/pipeline/iff/DWP
     set CDFPATH=.
     set SKTPATH=/cluster/devel/CSDS_CDF/csds_cdf_skeletons/DWP
     set BIN=.
     set CDFBIN=/cluster/cdf/bin
     set FILE=C3_PP_DWP
     set DAY=_19970123

     #remove existing cdf file of same name if present

     if(-e $CDFPATH/$CDFFILE'_V00'.cdf)  'rm'   $CDFPATH/$CDFFILE'_V00'.cdf;

     #generate prototype cdf from .skt file

     $CDFBIN/skt2cdf  -cdfname $CDFPATH/$CDFFILE'_V00' -fillval $SKTPATH/$FILE;

     # transfer content of .iff file to .cdf file

     $BIN/iff_to_cdf $IFFPATH $CDFPATH  $CDFFILE ; 

     The included file IFF_to_CDF.h contains modifiable definitions
     that may be changed for customization to different Data Centres.
     In particular the definition 
        #define GEN_BY  "Generated by UK CDHF."
     MUST be changed to identify the Data Centre or instrument team
     running the software.
     Several array dimensions are specified as definitions and may be
     changed. Particularly the number of variables 
     allowed. If these are increased the number
     of words should also be increased. Defaults are:-
        #define NUMBER_OF_WORDS 240
        #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_VARS 40
        #define MAX_NUMBER_OF_DIMS 10
        #define NAME_LEN 30
        #define WORD_LEN 120
        #define FULL_NAME_LEN 240

    No limit is placed on the number of records in an input file, nor
    the period of time it covers. Input lines may be of any length
    provided that the number of distinct words or variables contained
    by each line does not exceed the above limits.

    `Words' are items on the input line, such as values in records. A quoted
    string is treated as a single word, so that attribute entries should not
    exceed the length WORD_LEN - 1.

    To extend use of this pipeline software to other mission data some
    optional override flags are provided, see syntax in CU-QMW-TN-0003.

    Time offset:  This may optionally be specified. If present it is used
    as the start time to be added to every millisecond epoch value in 
    place of the start of day as derived from the file name.

    Data Period: The half interval is determined automatically for
    Cluster SP and PP data. For other missions, inclusion of a data
    periodicity line becomes essential to override the Cluster default.
    See CU-QMW-TN-0003.

    Variable names: Cluster variables comprise a stem identifying the
    data product and an extension for spacecraft, resolution and instrument.
    This extension is taken from the skeleton file, except for the
    Half_interval variable and attributes for the Epoch variable 
    where it must be calculated internally. It is possible to specify an
    alternative variable extension in the iff file, and this is used in place
    of that derived from the file name.

    File Names: This software requires the file name to be of the Cluster
    syntax as part of the pipeline validation control. This restriction
    can only be avoided by renaming the cdf file after processing and by
    using the above override options. The software will then warn in the 
    logfile that the Logical_file_id differs from the file name, but this may
    be safely ignored.

    The following occurences cause the program to exit with an error message:

      Specified iff file not found.
      Specified cdf file not found.
      Fatal Error flag received from PI software via iff file.
      Time tags not monotonic increasing.
    The following occurences cause a warning message to be written to
    the log file. They arise from syntax errors in the input iff file,
    but an output cdf file will be generated. Such warnings should
    always be investigated as they may result in loss of data or
    corrupt/missing attribute information.

      Unable to attach logfile for writing (stderr used as default).
      File name and Logical_file_id attribute incompatible.
      Null input file (no records present in input file).
      Incorrect syntax or number of fill values.
      Incorrect V attribute line syntax.
      Incorrect G attribute line syntax.
      Unknown V or G attribute or variable name.
      Incorrect data record syntax.
      Data value impossible for data type.
      Incorrect number of data entries in record line.
      Unmarked data gaps (time tag spacing outside tolerance).
      Number of words exceeds limit set in IFF_to_CDF.h 
      Length of word (or quoted string) exceeds limit set in IFF_to_CDF.h
      End of data marker inconsistent with number of records supplied.
      Records appear after end of data marker.
    Other messages may be generated by the software, these represent 
    internal or cdf errors and should be reported to QMW for rectification.

     A.J.Allen QMW 2-3-95

     `Interface Control Document between the UK CDHF and the UK PIs',

     `Reference Document for CSDS CDF Implementation',

     `Definition of the Interface between Data Reduction and 
      CDF Creation Software for the UK CSDS Data Products',

     `CSDS Standard Skeleton Files', 

     `Process Control for Routine Production of UK CSDS Data Products', 

     `Detailed Design Document for the UK CDHF', 

     Segmentation faults may arise from files which exceed the defined
     maximum number of variables or number of words in each input line. 
     These are not always trapped.

     CSDS skeletons and prototype cdf files
     cdf library

Tony Allen
Fri Aug 29 17:17:26 BST 1997