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FGM > FluxGate Magnetometer

This Appendix provides a sample FGM Interface File.

% UK CDHF Pipeline Controller Inputs
% Processing of RDM ID 132435465768 on 2 February 1997
% Fill in Global/Variable Attributes
% File ID
G Logical_file_id "C3_PP_FGM_19970123_V00"
% RDM ID (can have more than one entry)
G Parents "RDM>132435465768"
M Only one RDM used
G MODS "Data calibration may be unreliable at this early stage of the mission"
% RDA software version
G Software_version "RDA version 1.6"
% END Controller input
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
% FGM Data Reduction Software
% K-H Glassmeier, FRG
% A Balogh, ICSTM, PI
% Instrument settings, RDM-reading software, etc.
G Inst_settings "RDA_timelist>2.1a"
G Inst_settings "FGM_switch2>Off"
% Epoch Variable Attributes
V Epoch%C3_PP_FGM Calib_software "V2.7_19960113"
V Epoch%C3_PP_FGM Calib_input C3V1."7-59_19960113"
% B-vector Variable Attributes
V B_xyz_gse%C3_PP_FGM Calib_software "V2.7_19960113"
V B_xyz_gse%C3_PP_FGM Calib_input "C3V1.7-59_19960113"
% B sigma Variable Attributes
V B_nsigma%C3_PP_FGM Calib_software "V2.7_19960113"
V B_nsigma%C3_PP_FGM Calib_input "C3V1.7-59_19960113"
% Status Variable Attributes
V Status%C3_PP_FGM Calib_software "V2.7_19960113"
V Status%C3_PP_FGM Calib_input "C3V1.7-59_19960113"
M Data Reduction Started 13:37:23 on 2 February 1997
% Fill in initial entry to Instrument Mode Attribute
G Inst_mode "C3>FGM>0>1997-01-23T02:33:17.235Z>NM1>FGM Normal Mode 1"

% Write out col numbers and field labels for clarity
% Note these are ignored by CDF-writing software
%R_no. UTC Time    Millisec   Status   Bx          By          Bz          Bsigma   
R 0  02:33:17.235  9197235 2 32 7 244 +2.729e-00 -1.234e-01 +7.745e+01 +2.347e-00
R 1  02:33:21.124  9201124 2 32 7 244 +2.745e-00 -1.567e-01 +7.215e+01 +2.117e-00
R 2  02:33:25.921  9205921 2 32 7 244 +2.729e-00 -1.567e-01 +7.745e+01 +3.212e-00
M Unable to calculate B_sigma due to too few good data values 
R 3  02:33:30.012  9210012 1 32 7 244 +2.745e-00 -1.234e-01 +7.215e+01 -1.000e+31
G Inst_mode "C3>FGM>4>1997-01-23T02:33:38.235Z>BM2>FGM Burst Mode 2"
R 4  02:33:34.235  9214235 2 6 15 244 +2.126e-00 -1.125e-01 +8.350e+01 +1.119e-00
M No time input from RDA 
G Inst_mode "C3>FGM>5>1997-01-23T17:44:51.845Z>NM1>FGM Normal Mode 1"
R 5  17:44:46.845 63886845 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
R 6  17:44:50.334 63890334 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
R 7  17:44:55.112 63895112 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
R 8  17:44:59.345 63899345 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
R 9  17:45:03.749 63903749 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
R 10 17:45:08.153 63908153 2 32 7 244 +1.234e+01 +5.234e-00 +8.324e+01 +2.156e-00
M End of data reached
M File C3_PP_FGM_19970123.iff closed at 13:42:12 on 2 February 1997
E 11

Tony Allen
Fri Aug 29 16:52:36 BST 1997