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Utilities for Handling Cartesian and Polar Vectors

bool Qu_is3Vector(QdObject_var &obj),
returns true if the input object is a QdRMatrix_var or rank 1 and size 3, and has the FRAME attribute identifying it as a vector e.g. if(Qu_is3Vector(b_xyz)){...}
The syntax for FRAME is described below.(U)

QdObject_var QuGetVectorXYZ(QdObject_var dov)
This returns a QdObject_var of the same underlying type as the input object, but as a cartesian xyz representation. It returns the input object if it is already in cartesian. It uses Qu_is3Vector() to ensure input is a vector with well defined representation and frame. Returns null var pointer (test with is_nil() ) if a cartesian vector cannot be constructed. It is used to protect cartesian routines against polar input representations. e.g.
  #include "Qdos.h"
  #include "QdUtils.h"
  QdObject_var vec_xyz = QuGetVectorXYZ((QdObject_var)vec_in);
  QdRMatrixSeq_var vecSeq = QdRMatrixSeq_var::narrow(vec_xyz);
  if ( vecSeq.is_nil() ) return QPLUG_FAILURE;

QdObject_var QuGetVectorComponent(QdObject_var dov, char *vcomp),
e.g. bx = QuGetVectorComponent(b_xyz,"x") to extract a component from a vector series, where vcomp one of {"x","y","z","r(mag)","theta(rad)","phi(rad)",

char * Qu_GetVectorRep(QdObject_var& obj), e.g.
rep = Qu_GetVectorRep(b_xyz)
returns the `xyz', `rtp' or `rlp' string of the FRAME xref.(U)

int QarAreFramesSame(QdObject_var ptr1, QdObject_var ptr2),
returns QAR_OK if the input objects are both vectors in the same frame and representation (FRAME attributes are identical), e.g.
  #include "Qdos.h"
  #include "qar.h"
  if(QarAreFramesSame(b_xyz,c_xyz) == QAR_OK){ // OK go ahead...}

See also the Qrtn plug-in code for frame rotations.
See also the QDOS HTML documentation for cartesian to polar conversions.

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Anthony Allen 2005-11-07