Instructions to build QSAS RPM and DEB packages from the source package. 1. Install the RPM build tools. You will need the rpmbuild executable, which may be in the rpm, rpmbuild or rpm-build package, depending on your distribution 2. Download the latest QSAS source RPM package, e.g. 3. Build your package from the source The following command, as root user, will proceed with the install in a distribution-dependant folder (e.g. /usr/src/rpm, check the console output to determine this folder): rpmbuild --rebuild qsas-2.3.04-1.src.rpm The configure, install and packaging steps will be automatic. As for the autoconf install, if you have a 64-bit system, you may have to set a FORCE_SIZE environment variable to 64 (e.g. "export FORCE_SIZE=64"). 4. Your RPM package is now in the RPMS/(arch)/ subfolder of the installation folder. - You can install QSAS as any package using rpm -i qsas-2.3.xx-y.arch.rpm - You can convert it to a DEB package using the "alien" utility: as root, run "alien --scripts qsas-2.3.xx-y.arch.rpm". Then you can install QSAS: "dpkg -i qsas_2.3.xx-y_arch.deb" If you build a QSAS package, the QSAS team would be happy to share it with the community. Please send a link to or use the Imperial College file exchange server ( and we will put your package on line.