Simulating midlatitude circulation changes: what can we gain from high resolution modelling of air-sea interactions?

A workshop hosted by the Grantham Institute at Imperial College

25-26 February 2019

The workshop will take place in the boardroom of the Grantham Institute at Imperial College (South Kensington campus). A map of its location can be found here.

A workshop dinner will be organised on Monday February 25. The venue is Jakobs at 20 Gloucester Road, SW7 4RB (a few mn walk from the Grantham Institute). Please contact directly Arnaud at to indicate whether or not you are able to participate (7pm start).

For participants requiring accomodation, College allows us to get discount rates at the hotels linked here. Please use the contact to benefit from this rate.

Some financial help for travel and subsistence might be available. Please contact directly Arnaud Czaja at to arrange this.