My research has centred on the spectroscopy of atoms and diatomic molecules and on experimental methods for measuring spectroscopic parameters, especially interferometric techniques.

After post-graduate work at Oxford on hyperfine structure and isotope shift, using Fabry-Perot interferometry, I spent two post-doctoral years at Harvard University doing molecular beam magnetic resonance spectroscopy. My first years at Imperial College with Professor W.R.S.Garton introduced me to vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopy, and I constructed the first VUV interferometric refractometer. The requirements of astrophysicists and atmospheric physicists for data on atomic and molecular transition probabilities led me to construct a Mach-Zehnder interferometer for "hook" measurements (using the anomalous refractive index in the neighbourhood of an absorption line) in the visible and UV regions, and my research students and I applied this for the first time to the measurement of transition probabilities of diatomic molecules and refractive atomic species vapourised by flash photolysis. My students and I also did some work with tunable dye lasers on plasma diagnostics and optical pumping.

At the end of the 1970s I became interested in the possibility of extending Fourier transform spectroscopy, then a well-established technique for the infrared region, into the UV and, perhaps, the VUV regions. The principal advantages over grating spectroscopy in these regions are higher resolution, more accurate wavelengths, and better light throughput; the disadvantage is that the optical and mechanical tolerances of the instrument, which is a scanning Michelson interferometer, scale with wavelength and are therefore harder to meet in the UV. With help and advice from several colleagues (notably R.C.M.Learner at I.C. and J.W.Brault from National Solar Observatory, Kitt Peak), my student C.Harris and I had an FT spectrometer working down to 200 nm by 1984 ("A Fourier transform spectrometer for the vacuum ultraviolet: design and performance", A.P.Thorne, C.J.Harris, I.Wynne-Jones, R.C.M.Learner and G.Cox, J.Phys.E 20, 54-60, 1987). The improvements in wavelength accuracy and the additional information obtained on line widths, hyperfine structure, etc., were so great that we continued the instrumental development with a second FT spectrometer designed to work into the VUV. The practical short-wavelength limit of this instrument proved to be about 135 nm.

The applications of these instruments over the last 15 years or so have been primarily to improve the knowledge of atomic data for the astrophysically important neutral and singly ionised transition group elements. The need has arisen from the suberb quality of the high resolution stellar spectra obtained from modern ground- and space-based telescopes, especially the spectrographs aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (first GHRS and now STIS). Interpretation of these spectra require laboratory data both more accurate (by an order of magnitude in the case of wavelengths) and more complete than the standard laboratory compilations can provide; the latter are in many cases based on data recorded 70 or more years ago. Hyperfine structure and isotope shift measurements and oscillator strengths are also required. Laboratory measurements of the quality obtainable by FTS not only give much of this information directly but also supply atomic theorists with the data needed to calculate much more reliable values for transitions or line strengths that cannot be measured in the laboratory.

We have also applied our FT spectrometers to UV molecular absorption spectra of atmospheric importance. The two UV band systems of SO2, which are relevant both to pollution in the Earth's atmosphere and to planetary atmospheres, were investigated partly as an ESA project and partly in collaboration with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) and Wellesley College, Massachusetts. The forbidden Herzberg bands of O2, and the VUV bands of both O2 and NO were also a collaborative project with the the CfA. For the VUV work we actually shipped our FT spectrometer to Japan in order to use the radiation from the synchrotron at Phoston Factory, KEK, as a background source for the absorption measurements. The accurate parameters obtained from the spectra of these molecules are required for modelling of the penetration of solar radiation into the Earth's atmosphere and the chemistry of the upper atmosphere.


Our UV FT spectrometer was first applied to the spectrum of iron, the most abundant of the astrophysically important transition elements. The spectra of Fe I and Fe II were recorded here from the visible to 200 nm and (later) into the VUV region, using as source an iron-neon hollow cathode lamp. These spectra were combined with infrared spectra from the National Solar Observatory to make a revised multiplet table for Fe I . The analysis of the Fe II data is nearing completion by S.Johansson at Lund University. The spectra were also used to generate recommended iron wavelength standards in the visible region ("Wavelength calibration of Fourier transform emission spectra with applications to Fe I", R.C.M.Learner and A.P.Thorne, J.Opt.Soc.Am., B5, 2045--2059, 1988). This paper was followed by three others, giving precision Fe I and Fe II wavelengths in the ultraviolet and precision Fe I and Fe II wavelengths in the infrared, and, finally, precision vuv wavelengths of Fe II.

I have recorded the spectra of platinum at high resolution from 300 nm to 140 nm, using both a high current demountable hollow cathode lamp and a low current quasi-commercial lamp of the type used to calibrate space-borne instruments. Very many of the lines of both Pt I and Pt II show hyperfine structure and isotope shift. These spectra have not yet been used for a full spectral analysis, but the structure of particular lines has been used to reveal isotopic anomalies in the spectrum of the chemically peculiar star Chi Lupi obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope.

I also recorded the spectrum of nickel in the UV and VUV. The analysis of the Ni I spectrum was carried out by U.Litzen, but the Ni II spectrum, containing most of the VUV lines, still awaits analysis.

At present I am working on the analysis of the spectra of vanadium, both V I and V II, using data recorded in our laboratory by J.Semeniuk supplemented by infrared spectra from the National Solar Observatory.

Accurate laboratory wavelength measurements have found a rather different application in cosmology. It has been suggested that certain physical constants may in fact have varied with time, and a test of this hypothesis is to compare laboratory measurements of certain resonance lines with telescope observations of the same lines formed in very distant objects with large red shifts. We have collaborated in this with J.Webb and his colleagues at the Australian National University by measuring absolute wavelengths with an uncertainty of 0.002 cm-1, or about 0.008 pm, for resonance lines of Mg I and II and Cr, Zn and Ni. Evidence for the variation at present appears to be statistically significant but not conclusive.

In addition to wavelengths, energy levels and hyperfine structure, oscillator strengths and transition probabilities are urgently needed by the astrophysical community. Accurate intensity measurements, using calibrated radiometric standards, can be used to find branching fractions for sets of lines with a common upper level, and these, when combined with measurements of calculations of the lifetime of the upper level, yield absolute transition probabilities. We have recently applied this method to determine transition probabilities for about 700 lines in the spectrum of Ti II.

In the field of molecular spectroscopy, I have been involved in the measurements of absorption cross-sections in the two UV band systems of SO2 mentioned above (this publication refers to the lower wavelength system, 220-198 nm). These measurements have since been extended to low temperatures, relevant to the atmospheres of Venus and Io, and are being continued by J.Rufus, formerly a postgraduate student in the group and now a post-doctoral R.A. at CfA. We developed a new technique for establishing a reliable baseline by using the second output from the FT interferometer to monitor the background continuum source.

The work on the very weak, forbidden Herzberg bands of O2 in the region 250-230 nm was carried out with a 3-metre multi-pass absorption cell in front of the FT spectrometer to achieve adequate absorption. Long integration times were required to obtain a satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio. There are three overlapping band systems, all of which have now been analysed at CfA. For the Herzberg I bands, line wavelengths and line intensities were published separately. The publications for the weaker Herzberg II and Herzberg III bands report both wavelengths and intensities. The band parameters are essential for reliable calculation of the regions of weak continuous absorption adjoining the discrete bands; these continua control the penetration of solar radiation into the atmosphere in this spectral region.

The three months during which our VUV FTS was at Photon Factory yielded extensive data on the many overlapping bands of NO from 195 to 160 nm and on the Schumann-Runge bands of O2 from 195 nm to 175 nm (where the continuous absorption begins). The high resolution of FTS is necessary to avoid errors in intensity arising from saturation of the absorption, which cannot be detected when the instrumental width exceeds the true line width, as well as to obtain accurate line positions. Analysis of all this data is proceeding slowly but steadily in Japan and at CfA; to date the results for the NO b(9,0) band, the NO d(1,0) band, and the NO e(1,0) band have been published, and a fourth paper is ready for publication.

I have retained a strong interest in the instrumental aspects of UV FTS since our own spectrometers became functional. For several years I was a member of a group funded by ESTEC to investigate the feasibility of an imaging VUV FT spectrometer for detailed solar studies from space (part of the SIMURIS project). I collaborated with R.C.M.Learner and J.W.Brault in two papers on different aspects of FTS, one on phase correction and the other on ghosts and artefacts. I have been closely involved with the various upgrades of our instruments that have enabled them to deliver their unique spectra and with the assessment of their performance and potential .

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