AURORA on Earth

Photo Credit: Jouni Jussila, Finland


Universality of Auroral Structure


(List not exhaustive -

Your input is welcome!)


Photo Credit: R. Prangé, NASA/Space Telescope Science Institute


PUBLICATIONS relevant to IHY/CIP3 "Universality of Auroral Structure:

YEAR 2007

- Bhardwaj A. and C.M. Lisse, X-Rays in the Solar System, Chapter 35 in Encyclopedia of the Solar System, 2nd Edition, Edited by L. A. McFadden, P. R. Weissman, and T. V. Johnson, pp. 637-685, Academic Press, 2007.

- Bhardwaj A., et al., X-rays from Solar System Objects, Planetary and Space Science, in press, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2006.11.009, 2007.

YEAR 2006

- Bhardwaj A., X-ray emission from Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth: A short review, published in Advances in Geosciences (by World Scientific), Vol.3 (Planetary Science), 215-230, 2006.

- Galand M., A. Bhardwaj, and S. Chakrabarti, On the Importance of the Cross-Body Approach in Planetary Aeronomy, Advances in Geosciences (by World Scientific), Vol. 2 (Solar Terrestrial), 239-248, 2006.

YEAR 2004

- Special issue of Advances in Space Research on "Planetary Atmospheres, Ionospheres, and Plasma Interactions" (Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 121-241, 2004), edited by E. Kallio and H. Shinagawa.

- Prangé R., L. Pallier, K.C. Hansen, R. Howard, A. Vourlidas, R. Courtin, and C. Parkinson, An Interplanetary shock traced by Planetary Auroral Storms from the Sun to Saturn, Nature, Vol. 432, doi: 10.1038 /nature02986, November 4, 2004.

YEAR 2002

- Atmospheres in the Solar System: Comparative Aeronomy, is an AGU monograph (Vol. 130), edited by Michael Mendillo, Andrew Nagy, and J.H. Waite in 2002. From important overviews of aeronomic phenomena to in-depth discussion of known interactions, models, and observational applications, this volume sets the stage for future aeronomic research in the solar system and beyond. Introduction (Mendillo et al., 2002)

In particular:

* Galand M. and S. Chakrabarti, Auroral processes in the solar system, Refereed Monograph Chapter, in "Atmospheres in the Solar System: Comparative Aeronomy" (AGU Monograph 130), edited by M. Mendillo, A. Nagy, and H. Waite, AGU Press, Chapter I.4, p.55-76, 2002. figures_pdf

* Waite, J.H., Jr., Lummerzheim, D., 2002. Comparison of auroral processes: Earth and Jupiter. In: Mendillo M., Nagy, A., Waite, J.H. (Eds.), Atmospheres in the Solar System: Comparative Aeronomy. AGU Geophysical Monograph 130, AGU, Washington, DC, pp.115-139.

YEAR 2000

-Bhardwaj A. and G.R. Gladstone, Auroral emissions of the giant planets, Rev. Geophys., Vol. 38, 295-353, 2000.

For further information on the CIP3 activity, please contact:
- Anil Bhardwaj (Anil_Bhardwaj at
- Marina Galand (m.galand at