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UKS Prime Parameter Database


Processed data from UKS were originally stored at the UK Geophysical Data Facility at RAL, under a propriatary database system (R-EXEC). The database was regenerated circa 1992 and deposited at the World Data Centre at RAL, superseding the original GDF holdings. These data have subsequently been converted into Common Data Format (CDF) files, whose detailed design structure matches closely those intended for the Cluster mission and defined in DS-QMW-TN-0003 (available from In some cases, raw data was reprocessed and placed directly in the CDHF database. The database team decided to implement a faithful archive of any original GDF/WDC data, resulting in a mixture of products rather than a completely uniform dataset. This mixed pedigree has resulted in some anomalies, of which the most important, perhaps, is the interpretation of the timetags for the data. The GDF and WDC database labelled each datum with the start time of the data integration period, placed on exact $0, 5, 10, \ldots$second boundaries. The Cluster specification is based on centred timetags, so that newly deposited data has a different definition of the timetags. Users should consult the Data Caveats page for accurate information, and may need to adjust the timetags for some purposes. There are also differences in the way the IRM timetags were generated, including both mission operational and database generation aspects. These are also detailed in the Data Caveats page, and discussed briefly below in conjunction with the IRM Prime Parameter data.

The CDHF has not maintained the various catalogues used in conjunction with the GDF. An Appendix to this document describes all the UKS data variables. The UKS-IRM positional information has been converted into CDF files which are held with the data.

UKS Prime Parameter data may be accessed using a WWW interface at http://XXX.XXX.XXXX/ and also through the client-server X-Chooser system available through the same WWW location.


The databases contains seven different types of data product derived from four instruments as detailed below. No data are available from the particle correlator. Vectors are stored in geocentric-solar-ecliptic (GSE) coordinates. Time tags on data records denote either the start of the integration period or the centre thereof (see the Data Caveats page for more information). Details of units, instrument modes, and other ``metadata'' information is held within the CDF files. Some of this information is repeated in an Appendix to this document.

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