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Example: XY2Polar.qtpl

Figure 1 shows the Plug-in Window prepared to run the plug-in XY2Polar. The arguments are set to their default values.

The principal features of QSAS Template Language QTPL may be seen by comparing the Window with the corresponding plug-in template, XY2Polar.qtpl, which is listed in figure 2 below.

There follows a description of the principal features of QTPL and recommendations on their use.

Figure 1: Plug-in Window after executing XY2Polar.qtpl.

Figure 2: Listing of template file XY2Polar.qtpl.
\begin{figure}\begin{verbatim}// Plug-In Declaration:
EXTERNAL XY2Polar // Ty...
...UE {''phase''} DESCRIPTION {''ATAN2(Y,X) [rad]''} }

Anthony Allen 2005-11-07