QSAS: Science Analysis Software for Space Plasmas

QSAS Beta version 2.4.00

This is a beta version for experienced users to try out.

QSAS current version is 2.3.08

QSAS version 2.3.08. Macintosh users will need to install QT 4.5 as there are library incompatibilities with QT4.4. This is a bug-fix release.

QSAS version 2.3.07. Macintosh users will need to install QT 4.5 as there are library incompatibilities with QT4.4. This is a bug-fix release.

QSAS version 2.3.06 makes the following enhancements.

QSAS version 2.3.05 mainly fixes a bug found in version 2.3.04.

QSAS version 2.3.04 fixes the following bugs found in version 2.3.03:

QSAS version 2.3.03 fixes the following bugs found in version 2.3.02:

New features are also available:

QSAS version 2.3.02 adds several improvements to QSAS 2.3.01:

QSAS version 2.3.01 fixes several bugs and glitches in QSAS 2.3.00. It also updates the HofTel plug-in, replaces the ISSI_plasma plug-in with PlasmaParams, and adds the possibility to save the plug-ins feedback to a log file.

QSAS version 2.3.00 is the first release in a new branch. New features include:

Several minor bugs of version 2.2.09 were fixed.

Full details of the changes and fixes at this release are listed in the Development Table.

This version is available for Solaris, Linux, Mac OSX (Power PC and Intel ) and Windows (XP and Vista).

QSAS is a software package which provides a flexible, extendable environment for the selection, manipulation, and display of space physics data. QSAS is written in C/C++ and is compiled using the gnu compiler set, and makes use of several elements of third-party software, including Qt (http://qt.nokia.com/downloads), cdf (http://cdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/) and PLplot (http://plplot.sourceforge.net/).

Finding out about QSAS

Other specifications can be found within the various items supplied with QSAS.

Obtaining QSAS

Please email CSC Support each time you download a qsas distribution, stating which version, so that we can keep users informed of changes and monitor levels of interest. QSAS is provided free under GPL public licence, see licence file.

Information on the various options for installing qsas is provided in the QSAS Installation Notes.

Solaris and Linux users should download the source distribution that builds itself using autoconf and follow the instructions contained in the INSTALL file in this distribution:


Qt 4.2+

libtool 1.x



libtool 2.x



Most Linux distributions ship libtool 1.x. Only bleeding-edge distributions are based on libtool 2. To view your version of libtool, run: libtool --version.

Linux packages are now provided for various Linux distributions. This document explains the (simple) packaging procedure.

The executable is installed as symlinks /usr/bin/qsas and /usr/bin/QSAS.


x86 (32 bit)

x86-64 (64 bit)

OpenSuse 11.0



Ubuntu 8.10



Fedora 10



Mandriva One 2009.0



Source RPM (libtool 1.x)


Source RPM (libtool 2.x)


Mac OSX users should download the Mac installer as a disk image

 and run the installer contained therein.

Note that the installer performs an update that deletes old QSAS executable files,

(this appears to be beyond our control, and a QSAS_2_4 installation will delete applications from QSAS_2_3)

so if you wish to keep an older installation it will be necessary to temporarily drag

the old QSAS_2_3 folder to the Desktop, and back to /Applications if you wish to revert to the earlier version.

Note also that QSAS scripts and environment variables contain absolute paths, so directories should not be renamed.

QSAS requires QT4.5 or later to be installed, and this is available as a universal binary from...


Double click the QT package and follow the installer instructions. On old Macs the QT4 installer may not complete, but it is safe to quit the installer and continue with the QSAS installation.

Launch QSAS on the Mac by double clicking on the QSAS icon /Applications/QSAS_2_3/QSAS

Windows users should download the following archive:

After unzipping, a QSAS folder will be created. Edit the QSAS/bin/QSAS.bat with any text editor (Notepad...) and adapt the path in the first line of the file. If you unzipped QSAS in C:\Program Files, you shouldn't have to edit it.
Then start QSAS by double-clicking QSAS.bat. You can also make shortcuts to this launcher.

A source package is available for users who wish to still use the old build script method of installation.

Obtaining Older Versions of QSAS

Details of all bug fixes closed at earlier versions can be found in

Development Table 2.0

Development Table 2.1

Development Table 2.2

Earlier versions may be obtained by contacting csc-support-dl@imperial.ac.uk

Plug-in Libraries

Plug-ins written by the QSAS team are distributed with the QSAS tar files, and install automatically at QSAS installation.
Many of the ISSI plugins are also distributed with QSAS precompiled.

Other QSAS plug-ins are also available from ISSI and MPE

Providing Feedback on QSAS

QSAS is built around the prototyping methodology, and continual improvement and enhancement is central to its development. Some enhancements will come via user-written modules which are incorporated via the QSAS plugin interface. The development team welcomes comments, reports of anomolous behaviour, and suggestions which should be sent to: csc-support-dl@imperial.ac.uk.

When submitting a report, please try to be as complete and specific as possible. If reporting a bug it can prove useful if you are able to identify a reproducable sequence of events and a specific data set. The save and restore session facility in qsas 2 can assist in providing feedback since save session directories can be tarred and emailed (save files are platform, independent). The environment variable QSAS_DEBUG can be set "ON" in the user's QSAS script. This prints progress information to the terminal. Sending us the last few hundred lines of this output can also assist in diagnosing problems.

·  The binary executables shipped with qsas have the debug symbols stripped from them before distribution. If you wish to run qsas with a debugger, for example when debugging a user written plug-in, then these symbols should not be stripped from a locally built source copy (use "make install" rather than "make install-strip").

Acknowledging QSAS in Publications

The preferred wording for acknowledging use of QSAS in publications is "Data analysis was done with the QSAS science analysis system provided by the United Kingdom Cluster Science Centre (Imperial College London and Queen Mary, University of London) supported by The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)" or similar wording as appropriate.

Known Bugs and Future Enhancements

The Development Table itemises known issues by reference number with a short description of the issue, the module(s) affected, the version this is expected to be fixed by and the initials of the support staff member responsible for progressing it. Items are subdivided into "Bugs", "Features of the user interface" and "Enhancements planned".


This software was written by the CSC Team at IC and QMUL. The team members have included, in alphabetical order, Tony Allen (A.Allen@ic.ac.uk), Stuart Bale, Janet Barnes, Nora Bounaira, David Burgess (D.Burgess@qmul.ac.uk), Gareth Chisham, Markus Fraenz, Anthony Hare, James Meakin, Alban Rochel (A.Rochel@ic.ac.uk), Steve Schwartz (S.Schwartz@ic.ac.uk) and Abdeslam Serroukh. Current team members are shown with an email address. Please address all comments to csc-support-dl.

QSAS is developed as part of the Cluster Science Centre within the UK and funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). The software is provided as is under the GPL public licence, though QM and IC retain the copyright. No liability is accepted for any damage resulting from the installation or use of this software, and no guarantee of its suitability is implied for any use other than the scientific visualisation and manipulation of Cluster science data. Copyright.

Last up-dated 22 October 2009

Send comments and suggestions to csc-support-dl@imperial.ac.uk

Imperial College London is not responsible for the content of external sites.