
Space & Atmospheric Physics

Group Specific Computing Information

Last updated: 7th December 2018

Group computing home
RedHat Linux Servers
Printing & Photocopying
SPAT Specifc Software
Imperial Software
Free (GNU) Software
Getting help
Acessing Sun Workstations
Accessing Linux Servers
Linux filesystems /net/hostname
How much disk space am I using?
Setting up my personal webpage
Computing equipment purchase
Computing equipment disposal

These pages are maintained by "spathelp"
Email: spathelp@imperial.ac.uk

You are in: Free (GNU) Software

A selection of the most commonly used free (or GNU) software packages are listed below. If you have any suggestions that you'd like to add to this list, then please email spathelp@imperial.ac.uk

Ghostview & Ghostscript for viewing postscript (.PS) files on a Windows PC

Irfanview - imaging viewing / converting software

WinSCP - Secure Shell copy routine (for transferring files between Windows and Windows/UNIX)

Xming - X Windows Software